2014-3-6 08:48 PM
變向/岔路口/轉變 The.Turning.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-7.65GB
變向/岔路口/轉變 The.Turning.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-7.65GB
【譯名】:變向 / 岔路口
【片名】:The Turning
【導演】:Jonathan aufder Heide / 托尼·艾爾斯 Tony Ayres / Jub Clerc / Robert Connolly / ShaunGladwell / Rhys Graham / 賈斯汀·庫澤爾 Justin Kurzel / Yaron Lifschitz /安東尼·盧卡斯 Anthony Lucas / Claire McCarthy / Ian Meadows / Ashlee Page /Stephen Page / Simon Stone / Warwick Thornton / 米婭·華希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska/ 大衛·文翰 David Wenham
【編劇】:Tim Winton(Authur)
【主演】:羅絲·拜恩Rose Byrne / 雨果·維文 Hugo Weaving / 凱特·布蘭切特 Cate Blanchett / 米蘭達·奧圖Miranda Otto / 理查德·勞斯伯格 Richard Roxburgh / 卡蘭·馬爾韋 Callan Mulvey / 馬特·納夫萊Matt Nable / Myles Pollard / 哈裡森·吉爾伯特森 Harrison Gilbertson / 蘇茜·波特Susie Porter / 丹·威利 Dan Wyllie / Kate Mulvany / 韋恩·布萊爾 Wayne Blair /米拉·福爾克斯 Mirrah Foulkes / 布倫娜·哈丁 Brenna Harding
【上映時間】:2013-09-26(澳大利亞) / 2013-11-14(新西蘭)
【影片簡介】:This is the second Australian anthology film to move intoproduction. As we previously reported, Russell Crowe, Alex Proyas, ToniCollette, and eight other directors will helm Sydney Unplugged, which isin the vein of New York, I Love You and Paris, je t’aime. Hit the jumpfor a synopsis of Winton’s novel. Here’s the official synopsis for TimWinton’s The Turning: Set on a coastal stretch of Western Australia, TimWinton’s stunning collection of connected stories is about turnings ofall kinds — changes of heart, slow awakenings, nasty surprises andaccidents, sudden detours, resolves made or broken. Brothers ceasespeaking to each other, husbands abandon wives and children, grown menare haunted by childhood fears. People struggle against the weight oftheir own history and try to reconcile themselves to their place in theworld. With extraordinary insight and tenderness, Winton explores thedemons and frailties of ordinary people whose lives are not what theyhad hoped.
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Length..............: 2h 59mn
Video...............: 1280x720 (X264 @ 24.000fps)
Bitrate.............: 6114Kbps
Audio...............: DTS 1509 Kbps
Language............: English
Subtitles...........: N/A
Genre ..............: Drama
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