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標題: [紀錄片]特效大師雷·哈利豪森制作泰坦巨人 2012.1080P/6.5G
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

會員編號 485689
精華 0
積分 7474
帖子 3737
威望 0 點
I-See幣 37570 錢
GAME幣 100 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
性別  男
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 90
註冊 2011-8-1
註冊天數 4972
狀態 離線
  只顯示 tudeyisiki 的帖子
發表於 2013-3-20 08:00 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
[紀錄片]特效大師雷·哈利豪森制作泰坦巨人 2012.1080P/6.5G

[紀錄片]特效大師雷·哈利豪森制作泰坦巨人 2012.1080P/6.5G
Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan (2011)
導演: Gilles Penso
編劇: GillesPenso
主演: Ray Harryhausen / Peter Jackson / James Cameron / John Landis / TimBurton / Terry Gilliam / Steven Spielberg
類型: 紀錄片
制片國家/地區: 法國
上映日期: 2012-12-09
片長: 90 min
IMDb鏈接: tt1839590
  This is the definitive documentary about Ray Harryhausen. Aside frominterviews with the great man himself, shot over five years, there are alsointerviews and tributes from Vanessa Harryhausen, Tony Dalton, Randy Cook, PeterJackson, Nick Park, Phil Tippet, Peter Lord, Terry Gilliam, Dennis Muren, RickBaker, John Landis, Ken Ralston, Guillermo Del Toro, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, RobertZemeckis, James Cameron, Steven Spielberg and many more. For the first time Rayand the Foundation have provided unprecedented access to film all aspects of thecollection including models, artwork and miniatures as well as Ray‘s privatestudy, where he designed most of his creations, and his workshop where he builtthem. In addition the documentary will use unseen footage of tests andexperiments found during the clearance of the LA garage. Never before has somuch visual material been used in any previous documentary about Ray. Thisdefinitive production will not only display a huge part of the unique ...
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