
會員編號 165144
積分 32710
帖子 16512
威望 0 點
I-See幣 89364 錢
GAME幣 3617 個
MSN宣傳 26 次
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 120
註冊 2006-5-17
註冊天數 6875
狀態 離線
孫燕姿 - Rise
There is a voice within my mind
singing the songs of distant times
Speaking the thoughts from lost horizons.
Music and words that must be signs
Shaping the facets that define
How we have come to be the presence
Though we’re from ten different lands
Bound by shores of common sand
Sing it out as one
Let’s stand
The world's in our hands
No matter where we’re from
If we could sing one song
Dreams are like yours and mine
that will be realised.
Trust in the love we feel
Trust in the love that’s real
Children unite
People of ASEAN
There have to had some fault fome the past
Speaking on western to my heart
Lessons to learn from our ancestors
Questions arise in step and in face
A differences we will and breath
Shaping as one
Our common future
Our future

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