
會員編號 2838
積分 40239
帖子 11332
威望 15 點
I-See幣 72356 錢
GAME幣 309 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 130
註冊 2005-3-18
註冊天數 7301
狀態 離線
Collect word bans
Collect word bans :)
my name : nga / yearn
自行出價 :)
粗體最想要 (:
*愛的完全不會都是蜜糖 苦澀比較多
*日記是秘密基地 珍藏彼此點滴
*其實我很在意 能不能給你甜蜜樂趣
*我會想念 也會明白 我曾經那麼被寵愛
*離開 倔強的我誰也不怪
*倔強說不痛 假裝什麼傷都沒有
*真的不難過 笑著和你揮揮手
*My tears they go unheard
*I will turn around and find love standing there
*Will you ever be content on your side of the fence?
*Another dose of you could be the end of me
*I'm strong and I hope that some day we'll grow old
*Don't go away. You've got to stay
*Please don't break my heart just say you'll stay
*Enjoy what we have and then leave it to the past
*don't dwell one the past
[ 本帖最後由 痛; 於 2008-8-26 08:23 AM 編輯 ]

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