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標題: 我..好辛苦 (english..sor)
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會員編號 127730
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註冊 2006-2-24
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來自 美國:D
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發表於 2007-11-15 06:20 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
我..好辛苦 (english..sor)

cancel DEL///cm...if not...del...==

read the whole thing...
gd or bad?
i felt stupid

have u held a boy's hand before?
i don't mean by Boy fd and girl fd thing..just..classmates..maybe um..PE class,,some activity ...and u need to..do .it...
it felt kinda weird...PE class today...when u r tagged, u need to hold the one on the line...and the left one i was holding is the boy who plays the same instrument as me...who sits next to me everyday...during band practice..(P.S i dun mean anything special in this sentence) and the one on the right is just a classmate from PE class.
this is not the first time i hold a boy ,..but..the last time i was holding a boy..i was in kindergarden...so after all these yrs..i haven't hold a boy's hand...(except for my bro...maybe not..not sure though..he wont hold me unless my mom told him too...or when i was small..)
it's weird..not like holding a girl's hand..that feeling..i dunno..strange?
strange but..it's a gd feeling..i dunno...>.<

P.S. i 'm not in love with those two boys..i dont even know one of their name...==' ( and they are not handsoXX -v-)

also, i remember that..i was tagged by someone..but then i saw many ppl in the out zone..(the one who was out go there)and then i though they were tagged.and i went there..and i didn't hold hand with that line..i felt pretty stupid about it..and i think ppl think i'm stupid either >< it was a gd day...but then i remember this...it kinda became a bad day... if someone asked me about this..like why aren't u blablabla....i probably will say" i thought i was out...."....whatever...just hope no one will remember this...

this is why i HATE coming to a new country..i felt stupid...or even ppl think i'm stupid..
tired of everything
am i being stupid all the time?
all these days?





[ 本帖最後由 Ting_婷 於 2007-11-25 05:58 AM 編輯 ]

今天我 寒夜裡看雪飄過
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Rank: 4

勳章介紹:註冊天數滿365天    勳章名稱:I-See兩年章
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會員編號 127730
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帖子 6690
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I-See幣 56274 錢
GAME幣 538 個
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性別  女
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閱讀權限 100
註冊 2006-2-24
註冊天數 6956
來自 美國:D
狀態 離線
發表於 2007-11-25 05:58 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
put it back la..cm ar!

今天我 寒夜裡看雪飄過
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