ì©«¥Ñ ùàùÞ¿²ùäùâ ©ó 2009-2-23 04:35 AM µoªí ¹C«ÈµLªkÂsÄý¦¹¹Ï¤ù©Î¤U¸üÂI¡A½Ð¥ýµù¥U©Îµn¤J·|û¡C
not that shit la=.=
practise make perfect=]
im quite gd, how about u?
i dont care is it lock or not, i just want to have a chat with the guy in isee
i think he is ... just like §r§B-_____-''
ur 0ld sch00l 0pen day will held in easter h0liday.