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標題: 模特習慣 Model.Behaviour.2013.720p/1080p.BluRay.x264-3.28G/5.4G
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

會員編號 485689
精華 0
積分 7474
帖子 3737
威望 0 點
I-See幣 37570 錢
GAME幣 100 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
性別  男
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 90
註冊 2011-8-1
註冊天數 4964
狀態 離線
發表於 2014-3-5 08:48 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
模特習慣 Model.Behaviour.2013.720p/1080p.BluRay.x264-3.28G/5.4G

模特習慣 Model.Behaviour.2013.720p/1080p.BluRay.x264-3.28G/5.4G
【片名】:Model Behaviour
【導演】:Nathan Hill
【編劇】:Nathan Hill
【主演】:Nathan Hill / Samira Amira / Jennifer Apap / Clem Maloney / Kim Maloney / Tony Markulin
【影片類型】:動作 / 驚悚
【影片簡介】:Jordan Rhodes is an honest detective investigating the heinousmurder of a leading talent agent. As he delves into a melting pot ofbeauty, ego and violence, the stakes are raised when the killerdistributes horrific crime-scene photographs to the press, thrusting areluctant Jordan into the spotlight in a city where everybody wants tobe famous. Suspicion is immediately thrown onto statuesque model AlexisClarke, an up-and-coming beauty with a blunt tongue and desire forsuccess. But in an industry where everyone wants to get ahead, everyonehas a motive and everyone is a suspect. As young models begin to fallvictim to appalling deaths, Jordan discovers that no-one, not evenhimself, is demonstrating model behavior. He must deal with mountingpublic pressure and consider the unique possibility that the serialkiller he hunts is not only female, but also has an ultimate goal -infamy. But how far will they go to achieve it? And how far will Jordango to stop it?
=700) window.open(\'http://bbs.1lou.com/upload/attach/001/462/2e7ade274f0dfdf9b586de2889bbc979.jpg\');\" style=\"max-width:700px;\" onload=\"if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>700)this.width=700;\" >
Length..............: 1h 24mn
Video...............: 1280x576 (X264 @ 23.976fps)
Bitrate.............: 5554Kbps
Audio...............: AC3 192 Kbps
Language............: English
Subtitles...........: N/A
Genre ..............: Action | Thriller
S C R E E N S :
720p down link:3.28GB
1080p down link:5.46GB

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