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標題: [2014韓國[劇情][我愛欲女2][avi/1.48G][中字]
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

會員編號 500921
精華 0
積分 34873
帖子 17437
威望 0 點
I-See幣 174565 錢
GAME幣 100 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
性別  男
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 120
註冊 2013-10-25
註冊天數 4145
狀態 離線
發表於 2014-10-29 03:23 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 



Movie: I Like Sexy Women 2
Revised romanization:  (na-neun ya-han yeo-ja-ga joh-dah 2)
Hangul: ?? ?? ??? ?? 2
Director: Kim Bong-eun (???)
Release Date: 2014/10/01
Runtime: 80 min.
Genre: ?Crime ?Melodrama ?Romance
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Seol Hyo-joo ???
Bae Geon-sik ???


A step hotter than before...
But still, I like sexy women!

Fashion designer Soo-yeon (Seol Hyo-joo) is an attractive and talented as well as sexy woman who is always working and doesn't care for marriage. Then one day she suggests to her boyfriend, Cheon Tae-pyeong (Baek Geon-sik), to live together on a contract. She writes down the conditions of a contract that involves the fact that they sleep together once a week. Then one day, Yoon Min-woo, a wealthy plutocrat who used to be Soo-yeon's boyfriend, shows up and he tells her he wants to start over with her. She hides the fact that she's living with Tae-pyeong and dates Min-woo. Tae-pyeong soon senses something's up when Soo-yeon starts arriving home late and refuses to have sex. Soon after, Soo-yeon breaks up with Tae-pyeong and asks Min-woo to marry her, but she can't help but feel something missing inside her...







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