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標題: 唔該 ,,,關於old post office 
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註冊 2006-8-11
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發表於 2007-3-31 04:10 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
唔該 ,,,關於old post office 

唔該 ,,,關於old post office

唔該幫我揾,,,,,,old post office {係WAN CHAI}


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

會員編號 202745
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註冊 2006-8-19
註冊天數 6771
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發表於 2007-4-6 11:54 AM  資料  主頁 短消息  加為好友 
Wan Chai old post office is the longest post office building in Hong Kong history.This curving building is located
in the border between Wanchai Gap Road and Queen Road East that built in between 1912 and 1913.In March of 1915 was state opened for Wan Chai Post Office.This is a simple A-frame building which the gable is the characteristic of it.It has been 80 years alreadly and ranged in statutory of historic interest.Now it called Wanchai Environmental Resources Center which is replaced by EPD

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