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註冊 2006-5-28
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  只顯示 sIUSHaN` 的帖子
發表於 2007-4-9 02:01 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

Bee Police

If someone asks you to name an animal that helps the police catch thieves and solve crimes, you're likely to say the dog. A dog has a good sense of smell and can be trained to chase and catch criminals.

It turns out that other animals are good police helpers too. In the United States, honeybees are being trained to detect bombs. A bee has a super-sensitive power of smell. Bees are even better than dogs when it comes to searching for explosives.

Experts that are training the bees give the animals sugar water. Little by little, they add tiny amounts of TNT to the sugar water. TNT is an explosive that is used in bombs. That way, the bees are trained to link the smells of sugar and TNT, and will think where they smell TNT, there is also sugar water waiting for them. In this way, the bees can help police find dangerous bombs.

One problem the experts have to solve is that bees still love the smell of flowers and other sweet things, which could sidetrack them in their search for bombs!
Please choose the best answer.
1.   What feature of a honeybee makes it a good police helper?   

      A.  It has great eyesight.  

B.  It can chase and catch criminals.  

C.  It has a very good sense of smell.  

D.  It can sting people.  

2.   Paragraph three mainly talks about _____.   

      A.  how experts have trained bees to find bombs  

B.  what makes bees naturally attracted to bombs  

C.  TNT and how it enhances the flavour of sugar  

D.  sugar and how it reacts negatively with TNT  

3.   From paragraph three, it can be inferred that _____.   

      A.  bees often consume TNT  

B.  sugar helps bees fly  

C.  people don't like bees  

D.  bees really like sugar  

[ 本帖最後由 sIUSHaN` 於 2007-4-10 10:39 AM 編輯 ]


我真的好想好想再 1 次不顧 1 切的跑掉`
再 1 次拋下所有離開這裡..
我也只不過是 1 個很普通很普通的女孩..
不比其他人堅強, 不比其他人溫柔體貼`
不比其他人可愛, 不比其他人有耐性..
不比其他人動人, 不比其他人優雅..

但..  我比 任何人 還要愛 他

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