會員編號 415822
積分 234
帖子 28
威望 0 點
I-See幣 9681 錢
GAME幣 100 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 40
註冊 2008-7-2
註冊天數 6091
狀態 離線
F.4-5理科書95%新,CE Pastpaper&Ans自由出價,價岩即賣
1. Exploring Mathematics 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B - Oxford - K.S. Leung, W.M. Chu, M.L. Luk
2. Join-Us CE Suggested Solutions Maths (80-01)+Maths pastpaper ( 03-05 ) $15
1. 一套4本 Physics in Life --- Longman - S.S. Tong, K.S. Lam, S.C. Chiu
Physics in Life - Heat
Physics in Life - Mechanics
Physics in Life - Waves
Physics in Life - Electricity, Magnetism and Atomic Physics
2. Marking scheme (90-95)
3. Join-Us CE Phy Suggested Solutions (80-01) $13
4. Physics Marking scheme (90-95) $10
5. 正版 Physics pastpaper: MC (98-02) $12
6. 正版 Physics pastpaper: LQ (98-02) $12
7. Physics pastpaper (94, 95, 01-05)+Maryknoll Mock Paper $12
1. Chemistry - A Modern View Vol. 1, 2, 3 & Experiment Workbook 1, 2, 3 , E. Cheng, J. Chow, K.K. Lai, W.H. Wong; Aristo
2. 21st Chemistry Supplementary Exercises + Solution Guide 1A, 1B, 2 - L.H.M. CHUNG; Jing Kung Educational Press 95% 新, 只用鉛筆寫過, 每set (Exercises + Solution Guide) $60
3. Join-Us CE Suggested Solutions Chemistry (84-01) $12
4. Chemistry pastpaper: (94, 95)+Marking scheme( 94, 95)+Maryknoll Mock paper $10
5. 38 Sample Chemistry Essays in HKCEE (釘裝版參考書) $10
6. Albert Law CE chem notes $10
1. Certificate Biology New Mastering Basic Concepts 1, Pang King Chee ; Oxford
2. 正版 Biology pastpaper MC (96-00) $10
3. 正版 Biology pastpaper LQ (96-00) $10
4. Join-Us CE Suggested Solutions Biology (84-01) $12
5. 恐龍 Basic Principles in BIOLOGY Book 1 (5th ed) by YK TO
6. 恐龍 Basic Principles in BIOLOGY Book 2 (5th ed) by YK TO 釘裝copy
7. Biology For Tomorrow Vol. 1, 2, 3 ,Pauline Yip ; Manhattan
Principles of Accounts:
1. Frank Wood's Principles of Accounts for Hong Kong Vol.2 (6th Edition) ,Frank Wood ;Longman 原價:$290
95% new, only pencil,有包
1. New Trend Additional Mathematics Vol. 1, 2, W.K. Mui, M.C. Tang; Chung Tai Educational Press
書95%, 有包, passpaper 80%新, 全部只用鉛筆mark過
睇相:遊客無法瀏覽此圖片或下載點,請先註冊或登入會員。 pulse.net/link/f866d558/16448
有興趣 PM/ email 自由出價 che85y- al@yahoo.com.hk
MTR 交收
[ 本帖最後由 y58hec 於 2008-7-18 08:53 PM 編輯 ]
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