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標題: [科幻]風暴戰 Weather Wars.720p[BluRay/4.4GB]
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註冊 2011-5-18
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發表於 2012-7-30 10:33 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
[科幻]風暴戰 Weather Wars.720p[BluRay/4.4GB]

[科幻]風暴戰 Weather Wars.720p[BluRay/4.4GB]
◎譯  名 風暴戰
◎片  名 Weather Wars
◎年  代 2011
◎國  家 美國
◎類  別 科幻
◎語  言 英語
◎字  幕 N/A
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
◎視頻尺寸 1280 x 720
◎文件大小 1 DVD
◎片  長 1h 26min
◎導  演 Tim T. Cunningham
◎主  演 絲凱·麥柯·巴楚沙 Skye McCole Bartusiak ....Lucy
      Marc Donato ....Chris
      Debbie Rochon ....Dr. Helen Gordan
      Cas Rooney ....Jeremy Gordan
      Greg Dorchak ....Walter Gordan
      Pierre Kennel ....Officer Andy Pohlman
      Teresa Valenza ....Alice
      Joe Anderson ....Hospital Police Officer
      Alex Cogburn ....Hospital Orderly
      Glori Renee Euwer ....Rita
◎簡   介
  A series of freak weather occurrences around Washington D.C. reunites two estranged brothers who are the sons of a once prestigious climate scientist. One of them suspects their father is behind it and upon further investigation, they discover that all of their father's enemies are dead - victims of freak weather accidents. Soon their suspicions are confirmed as their father hijacks radio and TV transmissions to relay the message that unless a certain Senator whom canceled his Defense Department contracts is handed over, the city of Washington D.C will suffer the consequences. As the brothers race to form a plan that can defeat their father, he lets loose a variety of diabolical weather weapons on the Smithsonian, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, and National Mall!
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