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標題: 2013美國劇情大片[超凡賽者/Amazing Racer][720P/RMVB/中字]
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

會員編號 490440
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積分 7026
帖子 3513
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註冊 2012-4-7
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  只顯示 kulawinsis 的帖子
發表於 2013-6-19 09:02 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
2013美國劇情大片[超凡賽者/Amazing Racer][720P/RMVB/中字]

2013美國劇情大片[超凡賽者/Amazing Racer][720P/RMVB/中字]
【影片原名】Amazing Racer
【出品公司】Supernova Media
【IMDB評分】6.5/10 (12 votes)
【國  家】美國
【類  別】家庭/劇情
【導  演】Frank E. Johnson
【主  演】朱莉安妮·米歇爾 Julianne Michelle....Shannon Greene
      邁克爾·馬德森 Michael Madsen....Dave Blair
      喬安娜·帕庫拉 Joanna Pacula....Emily Blair
      Lauren Potter....Nurse Kerry
      Suzi Hofrichter....Nurse Dana
      Stephen Colletti....Brandon
      Carson Brown....Rio
      傑森·傑德裡克 Jason Gedrick....Eric Parker
      克裡絲塔·艾倫 Krista Allen....Jessica
      威利·加森 Willie Garson....Richard
      斯蒂夫·古根伯格 Steve Guttenberg....Floyd
      查爾斯·德恩 Charles Durning....Ed
      Joycelyn Engle....Janie
      Melissa Speilberg Katz....Rory
      小路易斯·格賽特 Louis Gossett Jr.....Max Donovan


“AmazingRacer” is a heart wrenching and intense drama about a teenaged girlnamed Shannon, who faces and overcomes tragedy through the love of ahorse and the mother she never knew. Claire Forlani (Meet Joe Black) andJulianne Michelle (The House Is Burning) star as mother and daughterrespectively in this long anticipated film, which is based in part on atrue story.

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