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標題: [2014韓國][劇情] [回家(未刪減版)][avi/2.4G][女主角很美]
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發表於 2014-8-28 03:29 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
[2014韓國][劇情] [回家(未刪減版)][avi/2.4G][女主角很美]

[2014韓國][劇情] [回家(未刪減版)][avi/2.4G][女主角很美]


導演: KIM Do-hyun
類型: 劇情
制片國家/地區: 韓國
語言: 韓語
上映日期: 2014-07-24
片長: 85分鍾
又名: Our Family


  Here is a family struggling with an everyday battle a box of noodles disappears in a couple of days, 20kg of rice gets devoured in just a month and laundry piles up so quickly. Nothing comes in abundance &#8211 neither food nor clothes &#8211 and there is frequent bickering, yet these ten children are closely bound by not blood ties but affection. They take after their uncle, i.e. their ‘unmarried father’ who warmly looks after them. One by one KIM Tae-hoon has taken in North Korean refugee children in similar circumstances, and now there are already ten.





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